Ashburton Equity Fund Fact Sheet MDD |
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Ashburton Equity Fund Fact Sheet MDD
The main aim of this unit trust is to generate long-term capital growth for the investors who can tolerate short-term to medium-term volatility of the equity markets. The fund will all the time be investd in the local equity securities, but will also use fixed income and offshore investment as permitted by its mandate.
High | Avg. | Low |
R 9.79 | R 8.93 | R 7.96 |
Fund Sector |
SA – Equity – General |
Fund Maximum Annual Fee * |
1.15%-N Y or N indicate if performance fee levied or not. Advisor fee excluded. |
Distribution Periods |
Bi-Annually |
Launch Date |
Dec 2011 |
14 years ago |
Fund Benchmark |
Jse Alsi Index |
Ashburton Equity Fund Unit Prices |
In 2023, Allan Gray Manco is celebrating its 50th birthday of existence , founded in 1973.
Prudential Fund Managers was founded in Cape Town in 1994 by Graham Mason, who is its chairman now as of 2023.
Asset manager Sygnia is a product of a management buyout in a larger transaction that was involving Cadiz buying African Harvest Fund Managers.
Distributions Info (in cents) |
Q2 of 2023 | 14.30 |
Q4 of 2022 | 16.68 |
Q2 of 2022 | 13.73 |
| |
Asset Allocation Analysis |
Q3 of 2023 |
Technical data added. |
Q3 of 2023 |
Distribution info added. |
Q3 of 2023 |
Asset Allocation added. |
Please note that unit trusts investmets are generally classified as long-term investment products not suitable for trading and speculation. |