Coronation Balanced Plus Fund Fact Sheet MDD |
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Coronation Balanced Plus Fund Fact Sheet MDD
R 162.20 | ⇓ | R -1.42 |
⇓ | -0.87% |
High | Avg. | Low |
R 163.34 | R 139.97 | |
Fund Sector |
SA – Multi Asset – Low Equity |
Fund Maximum Annual Fee * |
1.43%-N Y or N indicate if performance fee levied or not. Advisor fee excluded. |
Distribution Periods |
Bi-Annually |
Launch Date |
Apr 1996 |
29 years ago |
Fund Benchmark |
Fund Sector Average |
Coronation Balanced Plus Fund Unit Prices |
The resultant of merger of Plexus and Grant Thornton was the establishment of the current manager Plexus Wealth.
Total assets under management (AUM) has breached the R3 trillion mark in 2022.
Asset manager Coronation was the first introducer of absolute unit trusts funds in our local industry in 1999.
Distributions Info (in cents) |
Asset Allocation Analysis |
Q3 of 2023 |
Technical data added. |
Q3 of 2023 |
Distribution info added. |
Q3 of 2023 |
Asset Allocation added. |
All the information presented in this website is generally geared towards educational content , so it does not constitute a personal investment advice. |