Element Global Equity Fund Fact Sheet MDD |
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Element Global Equity Fund Fact Sheet MDD
High | Avg. | Low |
R 5.81 | R 5.63 | R 5.38 |
Fund Sector |
Global Equity General |
Fund Maximum Annual Fee * |
2.00%-N Y or N indicate if performance fee levied or not. Advisor fee excluded. |
Distribution Periods |
Bi-Annually |
Launch Date |
Feb 2011 |
14 years ago |
Fund Benchmark |
Msci World index |
Element Global Equity Fund Unit Prices |
Asset manager Prescient Asset Management was founded by the Guy brothers Herman and Toms.
Asset manager, Personal Trust was founded in 1980 by duo of John le Roux and Andy Calmeyer.
As of 2023, the ownership of M&G Investments (prev. Prudential) is as follows:M&G Pls=50.12%; Staff=28.08%; Thesele Group=21.8% .
Distributions Info (in cents) |
Q2 of 2023 | 2.97 |
Q4 of 2022 | 4.91 |
Q2 of 2022 | 2.08 |
| |
Asset Allocation Analysis |
Q3 of 2023 |
Technical data added. |
Q3 of 2023 |
Distribution info added. |
Q3 of 2023 |
Asset Allocation added. |
All the information presented in this website is generally geared towards educational content , so it does not constitute a personal investment advice. |