Foord Global Equity Feeder Fund Fact Sheet MDD |
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Foord Global Equity Feeder Fund Fact Sheet MDD
High | Avg. | Low |
R 28.46 | R 18.70 | |
Fund Sector |
Global Equity General |
Fund Maximum Annual Fee * |
Y or N indicate if performance fee levied or not. Advisor fee excluded. |
Launch Date |
2025 years ago |
Foord Global Equity Feeder Fund Unit Prices |
Botique CI and Botique Investemnt Partners were acquired by Apex Group in year 2023.
Nedgroup Investments does not have internal fund managers per se, it select establised asset managers to manage their unit trusts funds.
UK-based M&G Pls increased its stake to asset manager Prudential FM and the manager renamed M&G Investments in 2023.
Distributions Info (in cents) |
Asset Allocation Analysis |
All the information presented in this website is generally geared towards educational content , so it does not constitute a personal investment advice. |