SIM Multi Managed Growth FOF Fact Sheet MDD |
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SIM Multi Managed Growth FOF Fact Sheet MDD
The fund main aims is total return above its benchmark at moderate risk to investors and while within prudential guidelines . The fund will invest actively in various asset classes on other unit trusts funds .
Fund Sector |
SA – Multi Asset – High Equity |
Fund Maximum Annual Fee * |
Y or N indicate if performance fee levied or not. Advisor fee excluded. |
Launch Date |
Feb 2007 |
18 years ago |
SIM Multi Managed Growth FOF Unit Prices |
The first preference share ETF , Grindrod PrefTrax ETF listed on the JSE in 2012.
Asset manager Mazi Capital was founded in 2006 by Malungelo Zilimbola.
Simon Hudson and Wiston Floquet founded in 2001 Flagship Asset Management.
Distributions Info (in cents) |
| |
Q4 of 2023 | 2.69 |
Q2 of 2023 | 2.65 |
| |
Asset Allocation Analysis |
Q3 of 2023 |
Technical data added. |
Q3 of 2023 |
Distribution info added. |
Q3 of 2023 |
Asset Allocation added. |
All the information presented in this website is generally geared towards educational content , so it does not constitute a personal investment advice. |