Truffle General Equity Fund Fact Sheet MDD |
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Truffle General Equity Fund Fact Sheet MDD
High | Avg. | Low |
R 3.78 | R 3.44 | R 3.06 |
Fund Sector |
SA – Equity – General |
Fund Maximum Annual Fee * |
1.04%-N Y or N indicate if performance fee levied or not. Advisor fee excluded. |
Distribution Periods |
Bi-Annually |
Launch Date |
Nov 2010 |
15 years ago |
Fund Benchmark |
Jse Capped Swix Inde |
Truffle General Equity Fund Unit Prices |
Asset manager PSG AM is a division of PSG Group which was founded in 1995 by Jannie Mounton and Chris Otto.
In 1965, the first unit trust in SA , Sage Domestic Equity Fund ,was launched.
Asset manager, Personal Trust was founded in 1980 by duo of John le Roux and Andy Calmeyer.
Distributions Info (in cents) |
Asset Allocation Analysis |
All the information presented in this website is generally geared towards educational content , so it does not constitute a personal investment advice. |