Momentum Bond Fund Fact Sheet MDD |
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Momentum Bond Fund Fact Sheet MDD
The main investment objective of this unit trust fund is to seek to generate regular income whilst being prepared to take some risk in exchange for capital growth.
Fund Sector |
SA – Interest Bearing – Variable Term |
Fund Maximum Annual Fee * |
0.86%-N Y or N indicate if performance fee levied or not. Advisor fee excluded. |
Distribution Periods |
Quarterly |
Launch Date |
Feb 1995 |
30 years ago |
Fund Benchmark |
Jse Albi Index |
Momentum Bond Fund Unit Prices |
Botique CI (BCI) was birth by some members of the management of Met CI in the 2010s when Metropolitan was restructuring to merge with Momentum.
Nedbank Investments's BettaBeta merged into CoreShares in 2015.
With more than 400 co-managed unit trusts , BCI is by far the biggest administrator of unit trusts in SA as of 2020s.
Distributions Info (in cents) |
Q4 of 2023 | 3.36 |
Q3 of 2023 | 3.36 |
Q2 of 2023 | 3.39 |
Q1 of 2023 | 3.34 |
Asset Allocation Analysis |
All the information presented in this website is generally geared towards educational content , so it does not constitute a personal investment advice. |