Allan Gray Balanced Fund Fact Sheet MDD
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Fund Objectives
The fund aims to create a long term wealth for its investors without taking a greater risk of loss than the average balanced fund.
Monthly Prices
Dec 24
R 156.66    R -3.22
High Avg. Low
R 159.99 R 152.23 R 144.42
Fund Information
Fund Sector
SA – Multi Asset – Medium Equity
Fund Maximum Annual Fee *
1.73% - Y
Y or N indicate if performance fee levied or not. Advisor fee excluded.
Distribution Periods
Fund Information
Launch Date
Oct 1999 26 years ago
Fund Benchmark
Average of SAMAHE
Fund Risk Rating
1 2 3 4 5 Medium
Fund Size
R 184 Bil.

Allan Gray Balanced Fund Unit Prices
SA - MA - I
SA - E - G
SA - E - LC
G - MA - F
SA - IB - VT
G - E - G
SA - MA - F
R - MA - F
SA - RE - G
SA - MA - HE
Did You Know ?

The first preference share ETF , Grindrod PrefTrax ETF listed on the JSE in 2012.

Prudential Fund Managers was founded in Cape Town in 1994 by Graham Mason, who is its chairman now as of 2023.

Asset manager, Personal Trust was founded in 1980 by duo of John le Roux and Andy Calmeyer.

Distributions Info (in cents)
Q1 of 2023 129.95
See Also
Nedgroup Investments Opportunity Fund
Stanlib Absolute Plus Fund
Baroque Moderato FOF
Optimum Balanced Fund
Camissa Protector Fund
Asset Allocation Analysis
Fund Management
Fund Activities
Q3 of 2023
Technical data added.
Q3 of 2023
Distribution info added.
Q3 of 2023
Asset Allocation added.
All the information presented in this website is generally geared towards educational content , so it does not constitute a personal investment advice.