Funds from Alpha A to E
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The following are the unit trust funds from alphabet A to E.

Funds from Alpha A to E
10x Moderate Fund
10x Money Market Fund
10x Top 60 Equity Index Fund
27four Balanced FOF
27four Global Equity Feeder Fund
36One Equity Fund
36One SA Equity Fund
4D Flexible Fund
SIM Absolute Fund
SIM Bond Fund
SIM Bond Index Fund
SIM Flexible Growth Fund
SIM Flexible Income Fund
SIM Global Multi-Asset Feeder Fund
SIM Global Value Feeder Fund
SIM Inflation Beater Fund
SIM Multi Managed Growth FOF
SIM Property Equity Fund
SIM Select Equity Fund
SIM Top 40 Index Fund
ADB Balanced FOF
Adviceworx Inflation Plus 3-4% FOF
Aeon Balanced Fund
Aeon Active Equity Fund
Affinity Growth Fund
Alex Forbes Global Equity Feeder Fund
Alex Forbes Pure Fixed Interest Fund
Alex Forbes Superior Yield Fund
Allan Gray Balanced Fund
Allan Gray Bond Fund
Allan Gray Equity Fund
Allan Gray Optimal Fund
Allan Gray Orbis Global Equity Feeder Fund
Allan Gray Orbis Global Optimal FOF
Allan Gray Stable Fund
Aluwani Flexible Income Fund
Aluwani Top 25 Equity Fund
Amity Global Diversified FOF
Amity Prudent FOF
Ampersand Balanced FOF
Ampersand Property Fund
Analytics Cautious FOF
Analytics Moderate FOF
Anchor Africa Flexible Income Fund
Anchor Diversified Growth Fund
Anchor Equity Fund
Anchor Global Equity Feeder Fund
Anchor Property Fund
Anchor Worldwide Flexible Fund
APS Managed Growth Fund
Argon Absolute Return Fund
Argon Flexible Income Fund
AS Forum Aggressive FOF
Ashburton Equity Fund
Ashburton Global Leaders Zar Equity Feeder Fund
Ashburton SA Income Fund
Assetbase CPI 4% FOF
Assetmix Conservative Fund
Autus Balanced Fund
Autus Cautious Fund
Autus Worldwide Flexible Fund
Aylett Balanced Fund
Balondolozi Bond Fund
Baroque Moderato FOF
Bateleur SA Equity Fund
Bci Best Blend Flexible Income Fund
Bci Best Blend Global Equity Fund
Bci Income Plus Fund
Bci Value Fund
Bci Worldwide Flexible Style Fund
Bci Worldwide Opportunities Fund
Bluealpha All Seasons Fund
Bluealpha Global Equity Fund
Bovest Conservative FOF
Brenthurst Balanced FOF
Brenthurst Global Balanced Feeder Fund
Cadiz Money Market Fund
Caleo Balanced FOF
Camissa Balanced Fund
Camissa Protector Fund
Catalyst Global Real Estate Feeder Fund
Celerity Growth Fund
Celerity International Growth Fund
Celtis Conservative FOF
Celtis Flexible FOF
Chrome Maximum Return Fund
Citadel Sa Core Equity Fund
Clucasgray Equilibrium Fund
Colourfield Income Fund
Community Growth Fund
Consilium Worldwide Flexible Fund
Cordatus Balanced FOF
10x Sa Dividend Aristocrats Etf
10x Yield Selected Bond Etf
10x S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats Etf
10x Top 50 Etf
Corion Income Fund
Coronation Balanced Defensive Fund
Coronation Balanced Plus Fund
Coronation Bond Fund
Coronation Capital Plus Fund
Coronation Equity Fund
Coronation Financial Fund
Coronation Global Capital Plus Feeder Fund
Coronation Global Equity Select Feeder Fund
Coronation Global Managed Feeder Fund
Coronation Global Strategic USD Income Feeder Fund
Coronation Industrial Fund
Coronation Defensive Income Fund
Coronation Market Plus Fund
Coronation Money Market Fund
Coronation Resources Fund
Coronation Smaller Companies Fund
Coronation Top 20 Fund
Merchant West Balanced Plus Fund
Merchant West Enhanced Income Fund
Merchant West Flexible Income Fund
Merchant West Global Managed Growth Fund
Denker Equity Fund
Destiny Multi Asset FOF
Destiny Prudential FOF
Discovery Target Retirement 2040 Fund
Discovery Target Retirement 2060 Fund
Dotport Equity Fund
Dotport Income Fund
Dynasty Global Accumulator Feeder Fund
Dynasty Wealth Preserver Fund
Edge Balanced Fund
Element Earth Equity Fund
Element Global Equity Fund
Engelberg Global Feeder Fund
SA - MA - I
SA - E - G
SA - E - LC
G - MA - F
SA - IB - VT
G - E - G
SA - MA - F
R - MA - F
SA - RE - G
SA - MA - HE
Did You Know ?

JSE listed the first Active Managed ETF , CoreShares Income AMETF in 2023.

Asset manager Coronation saw a need for a shariah-complient leaning asset managemnt and in 2002, founded a standalone manager Kagiso AM (now Camissa AM).

As of 2023, the ownership of M&G Investments (prev. Prudential) is as follows:M&G Pls=50.12%; Staff=28.08%; Thesele Group=21.8% .

Please note that unit trusts investmets are generally classified as long-term investment products not suitable for trading and speculation.