Funds from Alpha P to Z
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The following are the unit trust funds from alphabet P to Z.

Funds from Alpha P to Z
Pbi Balanced FOF
Personal Trust Global Select Managers Opportunities Feeder Fund
Personal Trust Income Fund
Personal Trust Managed Fund
Personal Trust Equity Fund
Platinum Balanced FOF
Platinum Worldwide Flexible FOF
Plexus Wealth Property Fund
Pmk Income FOF
Portfoliometrix SA Bond Fund
Portfoliometrix SA Equity Fund
Pps Defensive Fund
Pps Global Balanced FOF
Prescient Defensive Fund
Prescient Balanced Fund
Prescient China Balanced Feeder Fund
Prescient Equity Fund
Prescient Flexible Fixed Interest Fund
Prescient Global Income Provider Feeder Fund
Prescient Income Plus Fund
Prescient Money Market Fund
Prescient Yield Quantplus Fund
Prime Worldwide Equity Fund
Prosperity Worldwide Flexible FOF
Pws Moderate FOF
Quantum Balanced FOF
Quantum Worldwide Flexible FOF
MyQ Growth FOF
RCI Worldwide Flexible Fund
Rebalance Balanced Fof
Rebalance Worldwide Flexible FOF
Red Oak Balanced Fund
Reitway Global Property Feeder Fund
Rezco Equity Fund
Rezco Value Trend Fund
Rowan Capital Income FOF
Roxburgh Balanced Plus FOF
S-Bro Defensive FOF
Saffron Flexible Fund
Salvo Dynamic Flexible Fund
Salvo Global Managed Feeder Fund
Sanlam Asia Pacific FOF
Sanlam Global Cautious FOF
Sanlam Global Equity Fund
Sanlam India Opportunities Feeder Fund
Sasfin Equity Fund
Sasfin Optimal Income Fund
Sasfin Prudential Fund
Satrix 40 ETF
Satrix Capped Indi ETF
Satrix Divi Plus ETF
Satrix Equally Weighted Top 40 Index Fund
Satrix Fini ETF
Satrix Ilbi ETF
Satrix Mid Cap Index Fund
Satrix MSCI World ETF
Satrix Nasdaq 100 Feeder Etf
Satrix Property ETF
Satrix Quality Index Fund
Satrix S&P 500 ETF
Satrix Swix Top 40 Portfolio
Select Fixed Income Fund
Select Global Equity Fund
Select Manager Global Moderate FOF
Select Manager Worldwide Flexible FOF
Sentio Balanced Fund
Sesfikile Global Property Fund
Signature Worldwide Flexible FOF
Sim Balanced Fund
Sim Financial Fund
Sim Industrial Fund
Sim Inflation Plus Fund
Sim Resources Fund
Sim Small Cap Fund
Simplisiti Managed Protector FOF
Select Manager Cautious Fof
Select Manager Global Moderate Fof
Southchester Optimum Income Fund
Southern Charter Growth FOF
Stanlib Absolute Plus Fund
Stanlib Bond Fund
Stanlib Extra Income Fund
Stanlib Global Bond Feeder Fund
Stanlib Global Multi Strategy Diversified Growth Feeder Fund
Stanlib Multi Manager Medium Equity FOF
Stanlib Multi Manager Real Return Fund
Stanlib Multi-Manager Defensive Balanced Fund
Stanlib Multi Manager Medium High Equity Fof
Stewart Absolute Return Blend FOF
Stylo Global Bond FOF
Stylo Global Equity FOF
Sygnia 4th Industrial Revolution Global Equity Fund
Sygnia CPI + 2% Fund
Sygnia Equity Fund
Sygnia Faang Plus Equity Fund
Sygnia Itrix Ftse 100
Sygnia Itrix S&P 500 Etf
Sygnia Skeleton Balanced 60 Fund
Sygnia Skeleton Worldwide Flexible Fund
Sygnia Transnational Equities Fund
Tresor Equity Fund
Truffle General Equity Fund
Visio Actinio Fund
Visio Global Equity Fund
Wealth Associates Cautious FOF
Wealth Associates Flexible Growth FOF
Wealth Associates Income Fund
Wealthworks Managed FOF
Weaver Stable FOF
SA - MA - I
SA - E - G
SA - E - LC
G - MA - F
SA - IB - VT
G - E - G
SA - MA - F
R - MA - F
SA - RE - G
SA - MA - HE
Did You Know ?

JSE listed the first Active Managed ETF , CoreShares Income AMETF in 2023.

Asset manager PSG AM is a division of PSG Group which was founded in 1995 by Jannie Mounton and Chris Otto.

Anchor Capital is a division of Anchor Group , that was founded by Peter Armitage.

Our unit trusts prices captured in and around the end of each month and are rounded off to the nearest full 1 cent.