Worldwide – Equity – General
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These funds invest in listed property shares, collective investment schemes in property and property loan stock and real estate investment trusts. The objective of these funds is to provide high levels of income and long-term capital appreciation. These funds invest at least 80% of the market value of the fund in shares listed in the FTSE / JSE Real Estate industry group or similar sector of an international stock exchange and may include other high yielding securities from time to time. Up to 10% of a fund may be invested in shares outside the defined sectors in companies that conduct similar business activities as those in the defined sectors.

Worldwide – Equity – General Funds
Bci Value Fund
Momentum Futuretrends Fund
Prime Worldwide Equity Fund
SA - MA - I
SA - E - G
SA - E - LC
G - MA - F
SA - IB - VT
G - E - G
SA - MA - F
R - MA - F
SA - RE - G
SA - MA - HE
Did You Know ?

In 1965, the first unit trust in SA , Sage Domestic Equity Fund ,was launched.

Asset manager Allan Gray UT Manco was founded by the same person Allan Gray in 1973.

In 2019, Stanlib spinned off index tracking funds to a boutique asset manager 1VEST.

All the information presented in this website is generally geared towards educational content , so it does not constitute a personal investment advice.