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When traditional risk measures deceive
When traditional risk measures deceive
M and G Investments
Q4 of 2023 | 1 year ago
These days, investors are arguably as concerned, if not more so, about what risk-adjusted returns they are earning as they are about the level of absolute returns achieved. This is a good thing. Thinking in risk-adjusted terms allows investors to gain a better understanding of financial products and to find solutions more suited to their risk tolerance. However, this only works if the risk measure that you are relying on is telling you something sensible about how much risk you are actually taking.
Botique CI (BCI) was birth by some members of the management of Met CI in the 2010s when Metropolitan was restructuring to merge with Momentum.
Asset manager Coronation saw a need for a shariah-complient leaning asset managemnt and in 2002, founded a standalone manager Kagiso AM (now Camissa AM).
The resultant of merger of Plexus and Grant Thornton was the establishment of the current manager Plexus Wealth.