The power of 1%
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        The power of 1%

  Allan Gray Unit Trust Management   Q2 of 2024 | 11 months ago

As we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we are mindful of the collective efforts of teams, past and present, in building our long-term track record. Fascinatingly, achieving a long-term track record in investing has much in common with achieving success in professional tennis. In comparing the two disciplines, Radhesen Naidoo was excited to discover how meaningful a difference of 1% is to long-term success. Naidoo serves up some thought-provoking takeaways.

SA - MA - I
SA - E - G
SA - E - LC
G - MA - F
SA - IB - VT
G - E - G
SA - MA - F
R - MA - F
SA - RE - G
SA - MA - HE
Did You Know ?

The resultant of merger of Plexus and Grant Thornton was the establishment of the current manager Plexus Wealth.

Asset manager Prime Collective Investment was founded by Shane Peters in 2005.

Asset manager Coronation was the first introducer of absolute unit trusts funds in our local industry in 1999.

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