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Navigating valuations and values since 1973
Navigating valuations and values since 1973
Allan Gray Unit Trust Management
Q2 of 2024 | 11 months ago
As Allan Gray celebrates its 50-year anniversary, we feel proud to work for a company that has always prioritised the protection of clients’ interests, and fortunate to learn from those who came before us. Allan Gray has a very long history of standing up for shareholders’ rights when an escalation in action is warranted. While the methods to do so have changed as shareholder rights have evolved, the principles have remained the same.
Asset manager Coronation saw a need for a shariah-complient leaning asset managemnt and in 2002, founded a standalone manager Kagiso AM (now Camissa AM).
With more or less than 10 unit trusts , asset manager Allan Gray is home to 3 funds featuring in our Top 10 Heavyweights by fund size in years of 2020s.
Head officed in Cape Town, Foord Fund Managers was founded in 1981 by Dave Foord.