Time to get active in Global Fixed Income investments
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Time to get active in Global Fixed Income investments
Time to get active in Global Fixed Income investments
M and G Investments
Q3 of 2024 | 8 months ago
South African investors have necessarily limited their exposure to global fixed-interest bonds over the past several years for two primary reasons: unattractively low yields and the 25% offshore asset restriction for retirement portfolios under Regulation 28. Under the 25% limit, it made sense to allocate the global allowance primarily to global equities and cash, given the upside to potential returns of the former and high risk-reduction and liquidity benefits of the latter. However, the February 2022 increase in the offshore limit to 45% effectively opened up a new world of opportunities to South African investors, and at M&G Investments we believe global fixed-interest sovereign bonds, in particular, can offer considerable benefits to a local portfolio generally and currently present an excellent buying opportunity.
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