Lynx Cautious FOF Fact Sheet MDD
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Fund Objectives
This fund of funds investment aim is to provide investors with capital growth over long term period by investing in diversified mix of collective investments across all major investment classes.
Monthly Prices
Dec 24
R 23.49    R 0.09
High Avg. Low
R 23.49 R 22.60 R 21.69
Fund Information
Fund Sector
SA – Multi Asset – Low Equity
Fund Maximum Annual Fee *
Y or N indicate if performance fee levied or not. Advisor fee excluded.
Distribution Periods
Fund Information
Launch Date
May 2005 20 years ago
Fund Benchmark
Cpi + 3%
Fund Risk Rating
1 2 3 4 5 Low Med
Fund Size
R 406 Mil.

Lynx Cautious FOF Unit Prices
SA - MA - I
SA - E - G
SA - E - LC
G - MA - F
SA - IB - VT
G - E - G
SA - MA - F
R - MA - F
SA - RE - G
SA - MA - HE
Did You Know ?

In 2019, Stanlib spinned off index tracking funds to a boutique asset manager 1VEST.

Sygnia traces its roots when the asset manager African Harvest buys IQvest of Madga Wierzycka.

Asset manager Sygnia is a product of a management buyout in a larger transaction that was involving Cadiz buying African Harvest Fund Managers.

Distributions Info (in cents)
See Also
Lynx Cautious FOF
Allan Gray Optimal Fund
Nfb Stable Fund
Analytics Cautious FOF
SIM Absolute Fund
Asset Allocation Analysis
Fund Management
Fund Activities
Our unit trusts prices captured in and around the end of each month and are rounded off to the nearest full 1 cent.