Satrix Nasdaq 100 Feeder Etf Fact Sheet MDD
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Fund Objectives

Monthly Prices
Fund Information
Fund Sector
Regional – Equity – General
Fund Maximum Annual Fee *
Y or N indicate if performance fee levied or not. Advisor fee excluded.
Distribution Periods
Fund Information
Launch Date
Apr 2018 7 years ago
Fund Benchmark
Nasdaq 100 Index
Fund Risk Rating
1 2 3 4 5 High
Fund Size

Satrix Nasdaq 100 Feeder Etf Unit Prices
SA - MA - I
SA - E - G
SA - E - LC
G - MA - F
SA - IB - VT
G - E - G
SA - MA - F
R - MA - F
SA - RE - G
SA - MA - HE
Did You Know ?

As of 2023, the ownership of M&G Investments (prev. Prudential) is as follows:M&G Pls=50.12%; Staff=28.08%; Thesele Group=21.8% .

In 2019, Stanlib spinned off index tracking funds to a boutique asset manager 1VEST.

Stanlib was formed after merger of Standard Bank and Liberty Life asset management businesses.

Distributions Info (in cents)
See Also
Sanlam Asia Pacific FOF
Sygnia Itrix Ftse 100
Sygnia Itrix S&P 500 Etf
Satrix Nasdaq 100 Feeder Etf
Sanlam India Opportunities Feeder Fund
Asset Allocation Analysis
Fund Management
Fund Activities
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