5 year Manco Review Series Intro - TopFunds
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        5 year Manco Review Series Intro

  By Staff Writer   Q2 Of 2024 | 17 days ago

In this series of articles , we are bringing ourselves the summary of past activity of certain management companies so that we can monitor going forward with a clearer understanding. The unit trust industry is so dynamically and fluid that an part-time observer can be dribbled and left behing by what is happening inside the industry with regards to new or exiting funds , those that are mutually merging or ones that are purelly changing thier names, its a lot that can happens. A practical example of complexity can be recalled to the recent announcement of Absa and Sanlam merger of their respective asset management businesses, which they did, so with proper monitoring of the events in this transaction , some of us we left without knowing which one change only name like to SIM Bond Index Fund and which ones were folded into an existing Sanlam unit trust fund etc etc.

ASISA website got good overall information for the industry yet nitty dritty of where a certain asset manager or unit trust disappeared to is not there , you have to roll sleeve and search like you are searching a haystick for an needle to get a proper and accurate information about the searched fund or asset manager.

For the purpose of this website we selected around 400 unit trusts out of about 2000 in total just for compactness and speed , the ones that are not have fact sheet in the website are monitored also and their activities will be reported in the news sections.
All in all, we are interested and motivated to track and monitor the ups and downs of this dynamic fast paced collective investment industry. Welcome.

More Unit Trusts News
5-Year Manco Review: Coronation

5-Year Manco Review: Allan Gray

5 year Manco Review Series Intro

Resurfacing of Retention Funds

Anchor Credo Update

Apex Group Acquires BCI and BIP

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Did You Know ?
While being founded in 1993, only in 1996 that Coronation FM entered the unit trusts industry
Stanlib was formed after merger of Standard Bank and Liberty Life asset management businesses.
Anchor Capital is a division of Anchor Group , that was founded by Peter Armitage.
Asset manager Allan Gray UT Manco was founded by the same person Allan Gray in 1973.

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        5 year Manco Review Series Intro

  By Staff Writer   Q2 Of 2024 | 17 days ago

In this series of articles , we are bringing ourselves the summary of past activity of certain management companies so that we can monitor going forward with a clearer understanding. The unit trust industry is so dynamically and fluid that an part-time observer can be dribbled and left behing by what is happening inside the industry with regards to new or exiting funds , those that are mutually merging or ones that are purelly changing thier names, its a lot that can happens. A practical example of complexity can be recalled to the recent announcement of Absa and Sanlam merger of their respective asset management businesses, which they did, so with proper monitoring of the events in this transaction , some of us we left without knowing which one change only name like to SIM Bond Index Fund and which ones were folded into an existing Sanlam unit trust fund etc etc.

ASISA website got good overall information for the industry yet nitty dritty of where a certain asset manager or unit trust disappeared to is not there , you have to roll sleeve and search like you are searching a haystick for an needle to get a proper and accurate information about the searched fund or asset manager.

For the purpose of this website we selected around 400 unit trusts out of about 2000 in total just for compactness and speed , the ones that are not have fact sheet in the website are monitored also and their activities will be reported in the news sections.
All in all, we are interested and motivated to track and monitor the ups and downs of this dynamic fast paced collective investment industry. Welcome.

More Unit Trusts News
5-Year Manco Review: Coronation

5-Year Manco Review: Allan Gray

5 year Manco Review Series Intro

Resurfacing of Retention Funds

Anchor Credo Update

Apex Group Acquires BCI and BIP

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BCI Stanlib Nedgroup Allan Gray Absa
©2012-2024 NGCSOFT