Resurfacing of Retention Funds - TopFunds
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        Resurfacing of Retention Funds

  By Staff Writer   Q2 of 2024 | 2 months ago

In the first quarter of this year we saw the resurgence of creation of special purpose retention unit trusts funds , which we last saw those days were the times the industry was in the crossfire of bad debts by African Bank.
The resurgence now seems also connected with bad debts , this time not African Bank but a financial services subsector that deals with financing the buying and leasing minibuses in the booming taxi industry. This subsector was a darling some few years back, I can remember a social post last year where it advice instead of owning and operating a taxi you can buy shares of JSE listed Transactional Capital (SA Taxi owner),thus enjoying ripping the good earnings without worring about the fuels , maintenance and other related daily activities of maintain a taxi.

Two media-mentioned finaciers that are being mentioned , namely:

  • SA Taxi
  • Bridge Taxi Finance

As of early of 2nd quarter, there are 5 unit trusts that spin-off retention funds to house the bad loans books, namely:
  • Mi-Plan IP Enhanced Income Retention Fund
  • Saffron BCI Active Bond Retention Fund
  • Saffron BCI Opportunity Income Retention Fund
  • Vunani BCI Bond Retention Fund
  • Vunani BCI Short Term Fixed Interest Retention Fund

To give you the monetary extent of the situation , let s take for example the case of Mi-Plan BCI Enhanced Income . The fund disclosed that 8.71% of its total fund size ,which is around R600 million, is invested to two financial instruments (notes) issued by Bridge Taxi Finance . Total fund size of the fund is around R7 Billion.Only Vunani BCI Short Term Fixed Interest Fund that is not have yet reach a R1 Billion fund size value, this means its a lot of money being exposed to this meltdown.

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Did You Know ?
In 2019, Stanlib spinned off index tracking funds to a boutique asset manager 1VEST.
Asset manager Mazi Capital was founded in 2006 by Malungelo Zilimbola.
Botique CI and Botique Investemnt Partners were acquired by Apex Group in year 2023.
Conglomate Old Mutual acquired asset manager Marriott in 2005.

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        Resurfacing of Retention Funds

  By Staff Writer   Q2 of 2024 | 2 months ago

In the first quarter of this year we saw the resurgence of creation of special purpose retention unit trusts funds , which we last saw those days were the times the industry was in the crossfire of bad debts by African Bank.
The resurgence now seems also connected with bad debts , this time not African Bank but a financial services subsector that deals with financing the buying and leasing minibuses in the booming taxi industry. This subsector was a darling some few years back, I can remember a social post last year where it advice instead of owning and operating a taxi you can buy shares of JSE listed Transactional Capital (SA Taxi owner),thus enjoying ripping the good earnings without worring about the fuels , maintenance and other related daily activities of maintain a taxi.

Two media-mentioned finaciers that are being mentioned , namely:

  • SA Taxi
  • Bridge Taxi Finance

As of early of 2nd quarter, there are 5 unit trusts that spin-off retention funds to house the bad loans books, namely:
  • Mi-Plan IP Enhanced Income Retention Fund
  • Saffron BCI Active Bond Retention Fund
  • Saffron BCI Opportunity Income Retention Fund
  • Vunani BCI Bond Retention Fund
  • Vunani BCI Short Term Fixed Interest Retention Fund

To give you the monetary extent of the situation , let s take for example the case of Mi-Plan BCI Enhanced Income . The fund disclosed that 8.71% of its total fund size ,which is around R600 million, is invested to two financial instruments (notes) issued by Bridge Taxi Finance . Total fund size of the fund is around R7 Billion.Only Vunani BCI Short Term Fixed Interest Fund that is not have yet reach a R1 Billion fund size value, this means its a lot of money being exposed to this meltdown.

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