Is there value in our investment style? - TopFunds
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        Is there value in our investment style?

  Allan Gray Unit Trust Management   Q1 of 2023 | 1 year ago

Investment style is one of the aspects of investing used to describe an investment manager’s investment philosophy and approach. In essence, the “style” determines the subset of shares a manager will consider in their stock selection process and can therefore be a useful differentiator between managers. If a manager’s style resonates with you, and you take the time to understand it, you are more likely to stay the course and benefit over the long term.

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        Is there value in our investment style?

  Allan Gray Unit Trust Management   Q1 of 2023 | 1 year ago

Investment style is one of the aspects of investing used to describe an investment manager’s investment philosophy and approach. In essence, the “style” determines the subset of shares a manager will consider in their stock selection process and can therefore be a useful differentiator between managers. If a manager’s style resonates with you, and you take the time to understand it, you are more likely to stay the course and benefit over the long term.

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Apex Group Acquires BCI and BIP

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