What happens to your minor children when you die? - TopFunds
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        What happens to your minor children when you die?

  Allan Gray Unit Trust Management   Q1 of 2023 | 1 year ago

To nominate a legal guardian for your children and control how the assets in your estate are to be distributed, you must execute a valid will, keep it updated, and store it in a safe place where it can be found after your death. It is never too early or too late to execute a will.

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        What happens to your minor children when you die?

  Allan Gray Unit Trust Management   Q1 of 2023 | 1 year ago

To nominate a legal guardian for your children and control how the assets in your estate are to be distributed, you must execute a valid will, keep it updated, and store it in a safe place where it can be found after your death. It is never too early or too late to execute a will.

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