Should I invest 45% of my portfolio offshore? - TopFunds
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        Should I invest 45% of my portfolio offshore?

  Allan Gray Unit Trust Management   Q2 of 2023 | 1 year ago

Retirement and local unit trust investors are now able to allocate up to 45% of their portfolios anywhere outside South Africa, from the previous offshore limits that allowed 30% outside Africa, plus 10% in Africa excluding South Africa (“ex-SA”), for a theoretical maximum of 40%. While the increase in the total allowed outside South Africa on paper is only five percentage points, in reality, most investors previously held less than 5% in Africa ex-SA. In practice, the recent change will mean that most investors can now invest an additional 50% of their portfolio offshore.

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Did You Know ?
Mohamed Shaheen Ebrahim was instrumental in the establishemnt of asset maager Oasis Crescent Manco.
Alex Forbes entered the collective investments industry by acquiring the the asset manager Investment Solutions in late 2010s.
Conglomate Old Mutual acquired asset manager Marriott in 2005.
Botique CI (BCI) was birth by some members of the management of Met CI in the 2010s when Metropolitan was restructuring to merge with Momentum.

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        Should I invest 45% of my portfolio offshore?

  Allan Gray Unit Trust Management   Q2 of 2023 | 1 year ago

Retirement and local unit trust investors are now able to allocate up to 45% of their portfolios anywhere outside South Africa, from the previous offshore limits that allowed 30% outside Africa, plus 10% in Africa excluding South Africa (“ex-SA”), for a theoretical maximum of 40%. While the increase in the total allowed outside South Africa on paper is only five percentage points, in reality, most investors previously held less than 5% in Africa ex-SA. In practice, the recent change will mean that most investors can now invest an additional 50% of their portfolio offshore.

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