Options for conservative, yield-hungry, dollar investors - TopFunds
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        Options for conservative, yield-hungry, dollar investors

  NinetyOne Asset Management   Q2 of 2024 | 2 months ago

Yield, yield everywhere, but not (much of) a drop to earn in dollar bank accounts (with apologies to Samuel Tayler Coleridge1). In July 2023, the US Federal Reserve raised the federal funds rate for the 11th time in the current hiking cycle - to a target range of 5.25% - 5.5%, from around zero as recently as the first quarter of 2022. So, over just 16 months, the US central bank raised the fed funds rate by more than 5%. US banks, on the other hand, not so much.

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Did You Know ?
Asset manager Prescient Asset Management was founded by the Guy brothers Herman and Toms.
Absa's NewFunds ETFs transfered , renamed and managed by Sanlam's Satrix.
Asset manager Coronation was the first introducer of absolute unit trusts funds in our local industry in 1999.
Ninety One overall assets under management are hovering around 3 trillion , that's almost the entire size of out unit trusts industry.

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        Options for conservative, yield-hungry, dollar investors

  NinetyOne Asset Management   Q2 of 2024 | 2 months ago

Yield, yield everywhere, but not (much of) a drop to earn in dollar bank accounts (with apologies to Samuel Tayler Coleridge1). In July 2023, the US Federal Reserve raised the federal funds rate for the 11th time in the current hiking cycle - to a target range of 5.25% - 5.5%, from around zero as recently as the first quarter of 2022. So, over just 16 months, the US central bank raised the fed funds rate by more than 5%. US banks, on the other hand, not so much.

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5-Year Manco Review: Coronation

5-Year Manco Review: Allan Gray

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Resurfacing of Retention Funds

Anchor Credo Update

Apex Group Acquires BCI and BIP

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©2012-2024 NGCSOFT