Why SA-listed gold has lost its sheen - TopFunds
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        Why SA-listed gold has lost its sheen

  Coronation Management Company   Q2 of 2024 | 2 months ago

In July 2021, we wrote about the gold position that was held across many of Coronation’s client portfolios. A year later, we sold down the bulk of this position to increase our exposure to well-priced global equities. Up until the beginning of November 2022, this proved to be the right decision. However, soon after, gold shares rallied, indicating that we had sold too early. Nonetheless, we think that the rally has been meaningfully overdone and we don’t see value in JSE-listed gold equities at these levels.

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Did You Know ?
Nedgroup Investments does not have internal fund managers per se, it select establised asset managers to manage their unit trusts funds.
Head officed in Cape Town, Foord Fund Managers was founded in 1981 by Dave Foord.
UK-based M&G Pls increased its stake to asset manager Prudential FM and the manager renamed M&G Investments in 2023.
JSE listed the first Active Managed ETF , CoreShares Income AMETF in 2023.

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        Why SA-listed gold has lost its sheen

  Coronation Management Company   Q2 of 2024 | 2 months ago

In July 2021, we wrote about the gold position that was held across many of Coronation’s client portfolios. A year later, we sold down the bulk of this position to increase our exposure to well-priced global equities. Up until the beginning of November 2022, this proved to be the right decision. However, soon after, gold shares rallied, indicating that we had sold too early. Nonetheless, we think that the rally has been meaningfully overdone and we don’t see value in JSE-listed gold equities at these levels.

More Unit Trusts News
5-Year Manco Review: Coronation

5-Year Manco Review: Allan Gray

5 year Manco Review Series Intro

Resurfacing of Retention Funds

Anchor Credo Update

Apex Group Acquires BCI and BIP

More Manco Views
The pitfalls of emotional investing

Performance of ESG-driven investments prove you can have it all

SA equities: Many opportunities amid depressed valuations

South African can create and have complete control of their own two-pot system

Un-natural advantage

Allan Gray BCI Oasis Stanlib Coronation
©2012-2024 NGCSOFT