Challenges and opportunities with South Africa’s retirement fund system - TopFunds
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        Challenges and opportunities with South Africa’s retirement fund system

  Allan Gray Unit Trust Management   Q2 of 2024 | 2 months ago

South Africa's pension fund system has consistently produced inferior outcomes for its people, with the 2022 Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index ranking the country 34th out of 44 countries studied. Against this background, how will proposed changes to the country’s pension fund system shape the retirement fund landscape? And, importantly, what can be done today to improve retirement outcomes for South Africans in the future?

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Did You Know ?
Coronation Fund Managers was founded in 1993, by 18 group of investment professionals.
Ashburton Investments was founded in 1983 , currently is a subsidiary Firstrand Ltd.
Asset manager Prime Collective Investment was founded by Shane Peters in 2005.
The resultant of merger of Plexus and Grant Thornton was the establishment of the current manager Plexus Wealth.

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        Challenges and opportunities with South Africa’s retirement fund system

  Allan Gray Unit Trust Management   Q2 of 2024 | 2 months ago

South Africa's pension fund system has consistently produced inferior outcomes for its people, with the 2022 Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index ranking the country 34th out of 44 countries studied. Against this background, how will proposed changes to the country’s pension fund system shape the retirement fund landscape? And, importantly, what can be done today to improve retirement outcomes for South Africans in the future?

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5-Year Manco Review: Coronation

5-Year Manco Review: Allan Gray

5 year Manco Review Series Intro

Resurfacing of Retention Funds

Anchor Credo Update

Apex Group Acquires BCI and BIP

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