Our SA Unit Trusts Industry Continues To Grows - TopFunds
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        Our SA Unit Trusts Industry Continues To Grows

  By Staff Writer   Q2 of 2023 | 1 year ago

R128 billion? that's the hefty amount our unit industry grew for the reporting 4th quarter of 2022, taking the total asset under management well above R3.1 trillion.

The domestically investing funds are still a dominating sector with 85% being invested into this sector. The trend is still continues where where unit trusts funds investing in multi-asset classes are still where majority of investors pour their money, followed closely by the interest bearing classes. The stats look like this:

  • - Multi-Assets = 49%
  • Interest Bearings = 31%
  • Equities = 19%
  • Real Estate = 1%
,When looking at who is investing into our unit trust funds , institutional investors (the likes of pension funds, banks, insurance compaies etc ) cave up 65% of the represantation of the funds, the rest ,35% , represent me and you , the retail investor.

Finally, in our observations, the SA - Multi-Asset - High Equity draws the highest percentage (24%) of the money being invested in multi asset sectors, in the equity space , the SA-Equity-General gets arround 17% of the funds.

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Did You Know ?
Asset manager Prescient Asset Management was founded by the Guy brothers Herman and Toms.
While being founded in 1993, only in 1996 that Coronation FM entered the unit trusts industry
Ashburton Investments was founded in 1983 , currently is a subsidiary Firstrand Ltd.
Asset manager Mazi Capital was founded in 2006 by Malungelo Zilimbola.

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        Our SA Unit Trusts Industry Continues To Grows

  By Staff Writer   Q2 of 2023 | 1 year ago

R128 billion? that's the hefty amount our unit industry grew for the reporting 4th quarter of 2022, taking the total asset under management well above R3.1 trillion.

The domestically investing funds are still a dominating sector with 85% being invested into this sector. The trend is still continues where where unit trusts funds investing in multi-asset classes are still where majority of investors pour their money, followed closely by the interest bearing classes. The stats look like this:

  • - Multi-Assets = 49%
  • Interest Bearings = 31%
  • Equities = 19%
  • Real Estate = 1%
,When looking at who is investing into our unit trust funds , institutional investors (the likes of pension funds, banks, insurance compaies etc ) cave up 65% of the represantation of the funds, the rest ,35% , represent me and you , the retail investor.

Finally, in our observations, the SA - Multi-Asset - High Equity draws the highest percentage (24%) of the money being invested in multi asset sectors, in the equity space , the SA-Equity-General gets arround 17% of the funds.

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