Navigating the Pitfalls of Benchmarks: How to Manage Risk in Clients’ Portfolios - TopFunds
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        Navigating the Pitfalls of Benchmarks: How to Manage Risk in Clients’ Portfolios

  Stanlib Collective Investments   Q1 of 2024 | 5 months ago

A diversified multi-asset portfolio is an effective way to manage investment and market risks. Funds use a portfolio benchmark to establish expectations and provide a ‘neutral’ position for taking investment risk. However, this decision is not entirely without risk, as we will explore below.

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Navigating the Pitfalls of Benchmarks: How to Manage Risk in Clients’ Portfolios

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Did You Know ?
Botique CI and Botique Investemnt Partners were acquired by Apex Group in year 2023.
Asset manager, Personal Trust was founded in 1980 by duo of John le Roux and Andy Calmeyer.
Coronation Fund Managers was founded in 1993, by 18 group of investment professionals.
Prudential Fund Managers was founded in Cape Town in 1994 by Graham Mason, who is its chairman now as of 2023.

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        Navigating the Pitfalls of Benchmarks: How to Manage Risk in Clients’ Portfolios

  Stanlib Collective Investments   Q1 of 2024 | 5 months ago

A diversified multi-asset portfolio is an effective way to manage investment and market risks. Funds use a portfolio benchmark to establish expectations and provide a ‘neutral’ position for taking investment risk. However, this decision is not entirely without risk, as we will explore below.

More Unit Trusts News
5-Year Manco Review: Coronation

5-Year Manco Review: Allan Gray

5 year Manco Review Series Intro

Resurfacing of Retention Funds

Anchor Credo Update

Apex Group Acquires BCI and BIP

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