Offshore investing: Retirement Funds and Members - TopFunds
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        Offshore investing: Retirement Funds and Members

  Sasfin Asset Managers   Q1 of 2024 | 5 months ago

Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act sets prudential investment limits for all retirement annuities and regulated retirement funds in South Africa. During his Budget speech in February 2022, the Minister of Finance announced that Regulation 28 would be amended to allow retirement funds to invest up to 45% of their fund assets in offshore assets. This change came into effect on 23 February 2022.

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5-Year Manco Review: Coronation

5-Year Manco Review: Allan Gray

5 year Manco Review Series Intro

Resurfacing of Retention Funds

Anchor Credo Update

Apex Group Acquires BCI and BIP

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Did You Know ?
In 22003, asset manager Coronation listed on the JSE stock exchange.
Asset manager, Personal Trust was founded in 1980 by duo of John le Roux and Andy Calmeyer.
The first ever listing of S&P 500 ETF on the JSE was from CoreShares.
Sygnia traces its roots when the asset manager African Harvest buys IQvest of Madga Wierzycka.

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        Offshore investing: Retirement Funds and Members

  Sasfin Asset Managers   Q1 of 2024 | 5 months ago

Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act sets prudential investment limits for all retirement annuities and regulated retirement funds in South Africa. During his Budget speech in February 2022, the Minister of Finance announced that Regulation 28 would be amended to allow retirement funds to invest up to 45% of their fund assets in offshore assets. This change came into effect on 23 February 2022.

More Unit Trusts News
5-Year Manco Review: Coronation

5-Year Manco Review: Allan Gray

5 year Manco Review Series Intro

Resurfacing of Retention Funds

Anchor Credo Update

Apex Group Acquires BCI and BIP

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